The Town Board is the primary board for the Town of Saugerties government.  It has powers defined by New York State law, including:

  • Control of town finances
  • Acquisition and conveyance of property; management, custody and control of town property
  • Award and execution of town contracts
  • Establishment of a department of public works

and so on. 

The Saugerties Town Board appoints advisory boards, committees and commissions, to advise the board on specific matters, such as the Town's relationship to the arts and various arts organizations; management and running of public access television facilities; focus on climate initiatives and help the Town meet its pledge to NY State to be a Climate Smart Community, to name a few.

Following is the full, current list of boards, committees and commissions for the Town of Saugerties, with links to where you can find further information about each one.

For specifics on each board, committee or commission (e.g. when they typically meet, who is on the board), please visit the pages linked to immediately below.

Find town boards, committees and commissions