The Town of Saugerties Transfer Station is a waste management facility that includes on its property the Town of Saugerties Animal Shelter.
The waste management operation includes deposit of materials into separated and categorized containers (glass, metal, paper, plastics and general refuse). Cardboard recycling is also available.
Address: 1765 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477
Transfer Station Site Number: 845-679-0514
Town Board Liaison Person: Peg Nau - 845-246-6929 (
Yearly Permit: Saugerties Residents $35, Woodstock Residents $55
Composting Permit: $20
One Day Pass: $7
- OPEN (FULL OPERATION BUT WITH LIMITED (5 pieces max) CARDBOARD DROP-OFF) - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, the Transfer Station is open fully - 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. On these days, you are limited to 5 pieces of cardboard. If you need to drop off larger "bulk" amounts of cardboard, please do so on the "cardboard drop-off only" days (Wednesdays and Fridays) only (see next bullet).
- OPEN (CARDBOARD DROP-OFF ONLY) - Wednesdays and Fridays, only corrugated cardboard is accepted - 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Bulk cardboard drop-off (defined as more than 5 pieces) should happen only on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- CLOSED - Sunday, Mondays and holidays.
Check online calendar for holiday schedule.
Closed when severe winter storm and unsafe travel conditions exist. In uncertain weather conditions, please call 845-246-2800 extension 16. The number for the Animal Shelter is 845-679-0339.
The fee schedule for the Saugerties Town Transfer Station for 2025 appears below (and can be downloaded as a document).
Note that no toxic materials (including oil), no electronics and NO PAINTS can be accepted, as of Jan. 1, 2023. (If you have oil-based paint or latex/acrylic paints to recycle, you can drop the oil-based paint cans off at the Ulster County Hazardous Home Waste events. As of May 1st, 2022, for both oil-based and latex/acrylic paints, you can bring them to the PaintCare-designated sites. The 2 Ulster County sites (and 1 nearby-to-Saugerties Greene County site) that are expected to be ready to accept paints to be recycled are:
- Sherwin-Williams Paint Store, 568 Albany Avenue, Kingston (845-339-6994)
- Herzog's True-Value Home Center, 151 Kingston Plaza Road, Kingston (845-338-6300)
- Sherwin-Williams Paint Store, 44 Grandview Plaza, Catskill (518-943-4910)
Small quantities of homeowner generated construction and demolition (C & D) waste will still be accepted. Larger amounts, i.e.pick-up trucks and larger will no longer be accepted. No C & D waste will be accepted from commercial C & D waste generated on a contractor/homeowner project.
If you need to dispose of electronics, consider that Staples in Kingston not only accepts old, discarded computers and computer printers, but also gives you credits if you're part of their frequent buyer program. (Essentially, they will take and recycle any electronics other than kitchen appliances and TVs.)
Use of the Saugerties Transfer Station requires purchasing a permit, plus applicable fees (see Fee Schedule immediately following), depending upon what is being brought to the Transfer Station for disposal. Buying a permit involves visiting the Transfer Station during the listed hours (Tuesday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and carrying out the transaction there.
The 2025 Transfer Station fee schedule follows. (These fees, which took effect January 2025, are available in PDF form below, under "Documents".)
A PDF of the above fee schedule can be found at the end of this page, for downloading/printing.) "Documents".
As mentioned above, the Saugerties Transfer Station accepts recyclable items. The following UCRRA handout provides a guide as to which items are acceptable versus which ones are not (so called "Wish-Cycle" items ).
COMPOSTING! - Keep Food Waste Out of Household Garbage!
Use the Composting Program at Saugerties Transfer Station. Bring a bucket or pail filled with food scraps and leave lighter and happier.
Whether it is composting in your yard or sharing your food scraps with a farmer or community garden, help keep food waste out of garbage cans! Enable compost to be used to make new soil for more plants. Recycle organic waste to make healthy plants. In the process, you'll be keeping methane gas out landfills, and reducing both the cost of operating a municipal transfer station and the size of the materials that are eventually sent to a landfill.
Economics and environmental concerns combine when it comes to keeping organic/biodegradable food waste of all kinds out of household garbage.
The regulations for food waste are very strict so this is something that can only be handled by properly outfitted trucks and containers taken to a properly run composting system. Both aerated and non-aerated systems for taking scraps and turning them into rich fertile compost.
- Where: Town of Saugerties, Transfer Station, 1765 Route 212, Saugerties, NY 12477
- When: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- Cost: Free drop off with a Transfer Station Permit, or with a Composting Permit.
- Resident Composting Permit: You can bring compost if you have a Transfer Station Permit ($35/year; Non-resident Permit: $55/year) or a Composting Permit ($20/year for resident and non-resident alike).
- How: Obtain a composting permit or a transfer station permit. Bring reusable container, 3-5 gallon bucket, to empty weekly accumulation of food waste to the large totem containers, that are emptied each week by the private composting company, Community Compost Co., based in Ulster County.
Composting Rules and Guides:
- Yes: To all food waste, all food.
- No: To liquids, grease, oils, ... Do not use Plastic Bags.
The following image shows which items are compostable and which are not.
Also in the "Yes!" column -- Meat, bones and dairy are all fine.
It is important to strictly follow this guide, as the company that the Town contacts with for this composting process has reported that they are seeing more and more contamination of the materials being put in the recycling bin. This results in increased expense for sorting, that the Town will have to pay this contractor.
Composting is a service that the Town is offering today for many good reasons; but we need to pass along this warning, as the expense for contamination in compost bins may someday become cost prohibitive.
The products that are being picked out lately due to them contaminating the legitimate/allowable compost items are: bags, containers, gloves, hot and cold cups, condiment packets, straws, hot and cold cups, utensils, molded fiber plates, and takeout containers. All of these products (including all of the red items in the image above) contain ingredients that are not accepted for producing organic-approved compost.
Note: As of April 7, 2015, the Town of Saugerties Transfer Station no longer accepts brush from residents due to the expense involved in processing the brush.
As an alternative to the Transfer Station, Saugerties residents may bring yard waste (leaves/brush) to the Steele Place drop-off area for disposal any week of the year (Wednesdays and Saturdays). Also, there is a garbage and recycling service available at Steele Place on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Recycling is FREE and garbage is charged based on the size of the bag. Here are the days/times you can drop off leaves/brush and/or bring trash and recycling:
Day | Leaves/Brush? | Trash/Recycling? | Times |
Monday | no | no | |
Tuesday | no | no | |
Wednesday | yes | yes | 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. |
Thursday | no | no | |
Friday | no | no | |
Saturday | yes | yes | 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. |
Post-Christmas, if you want to deposit your tree there, you can do so (again, on Wednesday and Fridays only).
NOTICE REGARDING USE OF STEELE PLACE: There have been increasing instances of people dropping off trees during off hours/days. Additionally, there have been increasing instances of people dropping off disallowed items (furniture and other garbage items). The Steele Place facility is kept open by the Village of Saugerties for the convenience of Saugerties residents ... but please note that continued violations could result in the discontinuance of this popular leaf and brush drop-off service.
For a map to Steele Place (off North Street), open the accordion section immediately below.
The preceding section described the Village's Steele Place facility as an option for disposal of yard waste, as well as garbage and recycling (Wednesdays and Saturdays). Following is a map to the Steele Place facility.
Brush may also be brought to Rothe Lumber Corp.- Recycling Division, 1451 Rt. 212 (near the transfer station). Hours of operation: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon. 845-246-5202. Rothe's recycling division is a Green Solid Waste Processing Facility, registered with NYSDEC. The cost is very similar to what the Transfer Station had been charging.
Any other businesses in the Town of Saugerties accepting and processing cut tree limbs and brush should e-mail at the Supervisor's office with pertinent information to be added to this list of locations where Saugerties citizens can bring their cut tree limbs and brush to be recycled.