If you are interested in contacts for the Village of Saugerties, please click here.
The Town offices are located at 4 High Street. Hours are M-F, 8AM to 4PM (See calendar for holiday schedule.) The mailing address is 4 High Street, Saugerties, NY 12477.
For a Google map showing the area near Town Hall, click here.
Main phone number: 845-246-2800. When you dial that number, you will hear a message, giving you the option of entering an extension or listening for coverage of certain key personnel and providing their extensions.
The following section provides a fairly comprehensive list of Contacts for the Town and whatever email, phone number or other information we can provide for them.
Town Clerk (Lisa Stanley) | 845-246-2800 x16 | lstanley@saugertiesny.gov
- Licenses (Marriage, Hunting, Fishing, Dogs)
- Transfer Station Permits
- Birth/Death Certificates
- Registrar of Vital Statistics
- Records Management Office
- General Town Information
Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics (Sasha Sittner) | 845-246-2800 x16 | ssittner@saugertiesny.gov
Town Supervisor (Fred Costello) | 845-246-2800 x17 | fcostello@saugertiesny.gov
Secretary to the Supervisor (Terri Wood) | 845-246-2800 x17 | twood@saugertiesny.gov
Deputy Supervisor and Councilperson (Leeanne Thornton) | 845-246-5652 | leeanne.thornton@yahoo.com
Councilperson (Zach Horton) | zhorton@saugertiesny.gov
Councilperson (Mike Ivino) | 845-399-3507 | mivino@saugertiesny.gov
Councilperson (Peg Nau) | 845-246-6929 | pnau@saugertiesny.gov
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
For the Saugerties Police Department (4 High Street) dial 845-246-9800 or 845-246-9909. The interim Saugerties Police Chief is Ken J. Swart, Jr.
For a full list of emergency numbers (fire, ambulance, poison, domestic violence, suicide),
UHY Advisors NY is the Town of Saugerties Accountant for this year.
Animal Control (Adam Saunders) | 518-291-3335
Assessor (Frank Orlando) | 845-246-2800 x 11 | forlando@saugertiesny.gov
Attorneys for the Town
- Prosecutions for Animal Control, Building Inspector, the Police Department, HUD
- Working with the Assessor's Office in all tax cases
- All legal work required in the Water and Sewer district
- Special prosecution for traffic tickets
- All matters related to insurance claims against the Town, employees, consultants and subconsultants
- All legal matters related to Parks and Recreation
- Motions and resolutions required by the Saugerties Town Board for 2025.
Attorneys for the Town
Attorney for the Town (George Redder) | 845-853-0801
George Redder handles:
- All the legal work for the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board
- Actions in which the Saugerties Town Board is an involved agency
- SEQR matters
- Highway Department
- Legal matters related to the Town of Saugerties Parks and Recreation department
- Motions and resolutions required by the Saugerties Town Board for 2025.
Bank (M&T Bank) | 845-246-4961
Official bank for the Town of Saugerties.
Billing (Diane Friedmann) | 845-246-2800 x348 | dfriedmann@saugertiesny.gov
Building Dept. (Katie Cappello) | 845-246-2800 x333 | kcappello@saugertiesny.gov
- Building permits
- Other building/zoning code concerns
Building Inspector (Alvah (Alvy) Weeks) | 845-246-2800 x12 | aweeks@saugertiesny.gov
Cantine Field (Greg Chorvas) | 845-246-5890 x309 | gchorvas@saugertiesny.gov
Greg is the superintendent of the Town of Saugerties Parks and Buildings department.
Consulting Planner (Nelson, Pope & Voorhis) | 631-427-5665 | https://nelsonpopevoorhis.com/
Clerk (Lisa Stanley) | 845-246-2800 x16 | lstanley@saugertiesny.gov
Court | 845-246-2800 x14 (voice) | 845-483-8459 (fax) | saugertiestowncourt@nycourts.gov
- Traffic tickets
- Court appearances
- Small claims court issues
Court (Honorable Chris Kraft) | 845-246-2800 x325
Court (Honorable Stanley O'Dell) | 845-246-2800 x325 | SODell@saugertiesny.gov
Court Clerk (Lisa Bach) | 845-246-2800 x14 | lbach@nycourts.gov
Diaz Ambulance | 911 or 845-246-9097
The Town Board liaison to Diaz Ambulance is Mike Ivino.
Dump (Transfer Station) | 845-679-0514
The phone number for the Animal Shelter, located at the Transfer Station is 845-679-0339. The Transfer Station is open fully on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and for cardboard drop-off on Wednesdays and Fridays (7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m). Closed Sundays and Mondays.
Emergencies | 911
Engineers - Brinnier& Larios, P.C. - Town of Saugerties Engineers | 845-338-7622
Fire Departments (For emergencies, please call 911) |
Uptown Station - 845-246-9701
C. A. Lynch Fire Co. - 845-246-2027
Cedar Grove, Rt. 32 - 845-246-4739
Centerville, Route 212 - 845-246-5223
Glasco - 845-246-9600
Malden-West Camp, Malden Turnpike - 845-246-3287
Mt. Marion Fire Co., Kings Highway - 845-246-2290
Saxton Fire District, Rt. 32 - 845-246-1121
West Camp Station, West Camp Road - 845-246-9008
Frank D. Greco Memorial Recreation Center (a.k.a. "Senior Center) | 845-246-9987 (This is the phone at the center. It is not always attended. For reservations for the center, call the Town Clerk at 845-246-2800 x16.)
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests | 845-246-2800 x16 | lstanley@saugertiesny.gov
Highway Superintendent (Ray Mayone) | rmayone@saugertiesny.gov
The Deputy Highway Supervisor is Stephen Gakenhaimer.
The Highway Department Secretary is Darcy Snyder.
The Highway Department phone number is 845-246-2400.
Historian for the Town (Audrey Klinkenberg) | 845-246-8329 | genie2@hvc.rr.com
Historic Preservation Commission Chairman (Stefan Yarabek) | 914-388-3419 | styarabek@yahoo.com
HUD Office ("Section 8 Housing") (Deb Wells) | 845-246-2800 x13 | dwells@saugertiesny.gov
Ice Arena (Kiwanis Ice Arena) Rob Kleeman, Director | 845-247-2590 x301 | rkleeman@saugertiesny.gov
Insurance Company - Tokio Marine/Houston Casualty Co. with the writing company/tier being US Specialty through Reis Insurance as the property and Town of Saugerties casualty insurance carrier | 845-246-9563 | info@reisinsurance.com
Library | 845-246-4317 | director@saugertiespubliclibrary.org
Leeanne Thornton is the Town Board liaison to the Saugerties Public Library.
Lifespring Saugerties | 845-246-2800 x452 | lifespring.saug@gmail.com
An adult learning community for lifelong learners.
Lighthouse TV23 Program Coordinator (Anastasia Redman) | 845-246-2800 x341 | lighthousetv@saugertiesny.gov
Saugerties' public access TV channel.
Little League | 845-246-5303
Marriage Officer for the Town of Saugerties | Fred Costello | fcostello@saugertiesny.gov
Municipal Code Aide (Claudette Zinkow) | 845-246-2800 x374 | CZinkow@saugertiesny.gov
Newspaper (Official Newspaper of the Town of Saugerties) - Hudson Valley One (HV1) | 845-334-8200 | Contact - debalexa@hudsonvalleyone.com
Additional Newspaper for Publication of notices, resolutions, and ordinances - Daily Freeman
Organic Recycling Coordinator for the Town of Saugerties (Mary McNamara) | marywaterbyrd@gmail.com
Organic Recycling Coordinator for the Town of Saugerties Transfer Station
Parks and Buildings Superintendent (Greg Chorvas) | 845-246-2800 x309 | gchorvas@saugertiesny.gov
Planning Board (Becky Bertorelli secretary) | 845-246-2800 x358 (voice) ... 845-246-0461 (fax) | bbertorelli@saugertiesny.gov
(Nelson, Pope & Voorhis are the Town of Saugerties Consulting Planning Partners.)
Police Department (Ken J. Swart, Jr. - interim Saugerties Police Chief) | 911 for emergencies ... 845-246-9800 or 845-246-9909 (4 High Street) | kswart@police.saugertiesny.gov
Policemen's Benevolent Association Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Town of Saugerties [link]
Press Boxes (Cantine Field) | 845-246-5890
Registrar of Vital Statistics and Records Management Officer (Lisa Stanley) | 845-246-2800 x16 | lstanley@saugertiesny.gov
Sasha Sittner (Saugerties Deputy Town Clerk - ssittner@saugertiesny.gov) is the Deputy Registrar for 2025.
Senior Citizens Center | For reservations for the center, call the Town Clerk at 845-246-2800 x16.
Soccer Complex | 845-246-2591.
Summer Day Camp (Suzanne Dodig-Sussman) | 845-247-9032 | sdodigsussman@gmail.com
Tax Collector (Diane Friedmann) | 845-246-2800 x339 | dfriedmann@saugertiesny.gov
Tech--Town's Information Technology (Nick Monaco) | 845-416-0436 | nick.monaco@mcstechinc.com
Town Clerk (Lisa Stanley) | 845-246-2800 x16 | lstanley@saugertiesny.gov
Transfer Station (a.k.a. "the Dump") | 845-679-0514 (Animal shelter number is 845-679-0339)
They are open for full operation (except limited (less than 5 pieces) cardboard drop-off) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. And they are open for cardboard drop-off only on Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
TV23 Program Coordinator (Anastasia Redman) | 845-246-2800 x341 | lighthousetv@saugertiesny.gov
Saugerties' public access TV channel.
Water/Sewer Department (Michele Haines) | 845-246-8671 | mhaines@saugertiesny.gov
Watershed Advocate (Mary McNamara) | marywaterbyrd@gmail.com
Webmaster (Town and Village of Saugerties) | 845-430-0259 | mcampbell@hvc.rr.com
Zoning Board of Appeals -Town (Becky Bertorelli) | 845-246-2800 x358 (voice) ... 845-246-0461 (fax) | bbertorelli@saugertiesny.gov