Lisa Stanley rightsized copy.pngThe Town Clerk serves as Registrar of Vital Statistics (births, marriages, and deaths) for the Town of Saugerties, is Records Management Officer and Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Officer. 

The Town Clerk attends meetings of the Town Board, keeps and files all Town records including minutes of Town meetings. 

The Town Clerk issues many licenses including Dog Licenses (for Town and Village residents) and Marriage Licenses (for anyone wishing to get married in NY State).  Hunting and Fishing licenses can be processed at 4 High Street, or by calling or online (details below, under "Fishing License Options"). 

The Town Clerk also issues Transfer Station permits, permits for Town park and building facilities, boat launching permits, junk yard permits, peddlers permits, and Bingo/Games of Chance Licenses.

Finally, the Town Clerk issues disability vehicle tags for Town (outside Village) residents.  And the Village Clerk issues disability vehicle tags for people who live in the Village.  (The Village offices are at 43 Partition Street)

Hours: Monday through Friday at 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Other hours by appointment.

A Notary is available in the office.

Fishing License Options

If you are 16 years of age or order, you will need a NY State freshwater fishing license before you start casting.

You have 3 choices for obtaining a NY State fishing license

  1. During Town Hall (4 High Street) hours, you can obtain a fishing license by seeing someone in the Town Clerk's office.
  2. Call or go online:
  3. Visit a retailer that deals in hunting and fishing (e.g. Dick's Sporting Goods) and buy a license there.

Freedom of Information Law Requests:

The link to download an application for public access to Town of Saugerties records (in accordance with the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)) is:
Application for Public Access to Records (Freedom of Information Law - FOIL)

Town Clerk Lisa Stanley is the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Officer for the Town and the FOIL Appeals Officer.  Lisa's address is:

Lisa Stanley
4 High Street
Saugerties, NY  12477

For further information about the Freedom of Information Law, visit the Department of State's Committee on Open Government's FOIL page.

Deputy Town Clerks

Deputy Town Clerk and Registrar

Sasha Sittner
4 High Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
Phone: 845-246-2800 x344