Food Pantries - Saugerties Area copy.webpFood Pantries in and Near Saugerties

The 3 best-known and most-used food pantries in Saugerties are:

  1. Saugerties Area Council of Churches
    Contact: Marilyn Richardson
    Address: Saugerties Food Pantry, 44 Livingston Street, Saugerties, NY  12477
    Phone: 845-246-6885
    Hours: Tuesdays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Saugerties residents may pick up food twice per month.
  2. Atonement Lutheran Church
    Address: Parish Life Center, 100 Market Street (across from the Saugerties Post Office)
    Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
    Phone: For more information, call 845-246-8322
  3. St. John the Evangelist Church
    Address: In 2024, St. John's food pantry moved to their new location, 25 Cedar Street, Saugerties.  All are welcome.  St. John's offers thanks to everyone who made this possible.
    Hours: First Saturday of each month, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
    Phone: Gabby Baker - 845-247-3454

 Community Action Farm Fresh Stand - Will Return to Saugerties in 2025

cropped-UCCA_Logo_Color_Simple copy.webpWhat: In an effort to help individuals and families that have been impacted by food insecurities during the pandemic, the Town of Saugerties has joined forces with Ulster County Community Action, an organization which has a long history of assisting those in need to bring the Farm Fresh Food Stand to Saugerties with support from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY.  Each month the farm stand will offer fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as bringing their Mobile Food Pantry to assist anyone in need of emergency food. The Weatherization Program will also there to distribute their Weatherization applications to those who are interested.

Where: Saugerties Senior Center, 207 Market Street, Saugerties, NY  (Other locations in Ulster County and further information can be found on the Ulster County Community Action Outreach Services page.)

When:  In 2025, in Saugerties, the hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (and/or when the food runs out).

As indicated on the bottom of the Ulster County Outreach Services page, the dates are the 4th Fridays in May through October, 2025.  Specifically:

  • May 23rd
  • June 27th
  • July 25th
  • August 22nd
  • September 26th
  • October 24th

Community Cafés

Community Cafe.webpThe Ulster County Office for the Aging runs senior dining programs that provide places in Ulster County communities where seniors can visit for group meals, special events, physical activity opportunities and social engagement.

There are 5 Community Cafés throughout the county, and they offer nutritious, hot meals from 11:00 A.M. until Noon.  This program is open to Ulster County Seniors 60 years and older.

Lunch is served at the Saugerties location - The Frank D. Greco Senior Center, 207 Market Street - on Tuesdays.  Reservations and registration are required for this program. For meal reservation, please call Gateway Community Industries at 845-331-2180.

For more information about this program, including voluntary/confidential contributions (no one is denied a meal, if they do not contribute), visit the Ulster County Senior Dining Sites page.

Other Nearby Food Pantries