The authoritative online version of the Town of Saugerties laws (code) can be found on this eCode360 page:

Button to get to the Town of Saugerties eCode360 page

The links below can provide additional information about Town of Saugerties laws, including the context/timing of when the Town Board adopted certain laws of interest. (Some laws may be draft laws at present.  If so, the description includes the word "DRAFT".)  Also included are a Districts Map and a Districts Overlay Map.  They are listed in chronological order, with the most recent law at the top.

Town Board Proposed Law Currently in Progress

At present, there is a drafted local law titled "LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 245, ZONING TO ADD LODGING AND EVENT REGULATIONS."  (Click here to view a PDF of this draft law.)

As stated, its purpose is to "amend Chapter 245, Zoning, to apply clear special use requirements to lodging and event uses which have grown in popularity in the Town and “strike a balance between open space conservation and economic development” as recommended in the 2021 Town and Village Comprehensive Plan. In addition, this local law includes provisions for expedited site plan review for certain agritourism uses in order to “preserve and maintain agricultural lands and support the economic viability of agriculture” and to allow… “special events on farms as a means to sustain farmland and bring in needed revenue to family farms” as recommended in the 2021 Comprehensive Plan."

If and when this proposed law is passed, it will find its way into eCode360.

