The Town of Saugerties would like to thank the anonymous donor who stepped forward and who had a big hand in funding the Saugerties Z&M Dog Park.  The donor was doubly generous, in that they also donated some time and literary skill to providing the backstory and personal reflections that are included below.  These descriptions offer a good, quick historical account of just what took place to make the park (and the trail system's beginnings) a reality.

The Town also thanks the team mentioned in the article below and everyone else taking part in what is always a large cast of contributors to a major efforts such as this one.

The Saugerties Z&M Dog Park - What is it?  Where is it?  When is it Open?

Trail System and Dog Park.webpWhat.  Prior to the Saugerties Z&M Dog Park opening in October, 2023, a common question in Saugerties was "why don't we have a Town or Village dog park, where we can bring our dogs to get some exercise, perhaps socialize and enjoy their little carved-out piece of Saugerties for a while?".

Fortunately, that wishful, hopeful question now has a great answer - the Town of Saugerties, with some generous help and a lot of good, hard work, has been fortunate to open the Saugerties Z&M Dog Park.  

Where.  The park is conveniently located within walking distance of the center of our Village, and is easily accessible by car as well, with a parking area, easily accessible via a short access road off Market Street.

If you scroll down below, there is a Google Map that gives you a good idea of the location.  If you're traveling north on Market Street, keep an eye out for the entrance sign (see image on the right in the section above) for the Trails and Dog Park, on the right.  And some welcome new news ... the access road is now paved.

When.  The park is open dawn to dusk and year round.  

A caveat is that if weather causes any hazardous conditions (for example, icy road/play area), the park will be closed.  A barrier at the Market Street entrance will announce when any such closures have taken place.

A note about the trail system.  As you can see on the sign shown above right, the access road off Market Street leads to the Saugerties Z&M Dog Park, and it also leads to a trail system bordering the Cantine Field complex.  

In the parking area that the access road takes you to, there is an enclosed case that holds maps of the trails nearby the dog park.  They can be a bit rough underfoot ... however they are an added bonus for anyone who wants to add to their and their dog's park experience.

Backstory and Personal Reflections

Backstory: In needing to socialize my dogs, I tried many of the local dog walks, the Kingston Point dog park being the nicest due to location and a really good group of regular doggers.  Alas, it was a 30-minute drive for me.  Why didn’t Saugerties have a dog park?  In late February 2022, I went to Town Hall and knocked on Fred Costello’s door. We hit it off instantly as Fred (like many in Saugerties) had long wanted a dog park as well.  In fact, a location had already been picked out.  

The missing ingredient to push this endeavor over the top and get the wheels turning was a benefactor.  So, together Fred and I drove over and took a look.  The site, part of Cantine Field's grounds near where the fireworks used to be launched, was a mess of dead trees, brambles, rock and mud.  Who was I to complain, for not only was there a location, it was part of the Cantine complex!

Greg Chorvas was soon on board and later on Ray Mayone, both of whom brought vast resources to the endeavor.  It wasn't long before Marc Malgieri was working on clearing the site, which included a huge dead oak.  I asked that he cut it, leaving a table height stump which I later carved.  Toward the end, Marc would follow up on my quirky idea and install an old Saugerties fire hydrant.  

There was a rocky outcrop as well, a special feature and something the dogs love to climb on.  Once cleared, the field was graded and vast amounts of soil brought in so as to crown the field and not have muddy puddles.  We reached out to Dewitt Mill Fence Company, having used them before and arranged for a heavy duty fence including a bottom rail for the dogs that dig.  They too did an amazing job.  Ray Mayone worked on creating parking and an improved entrance.  Michael Lang was hired to print and install the signage.  

A main feature is the fenced-in area for dogs to roam free ... and there are ongoing plans for the trails leading from that area, through the woods.  This is planned to be improved over time, and a mountain bike endeavor is under way as well.  A rain shelter might go in down the road. The Z & M Saugerties Dog Park opened late October 2023.  In my biased opinion, it’s the nicest dog park in 50 miles.

Personal Reflections: What a privilege to have met and collaborated with so many skilled and enthusiastic people!  The dog park creation was one of those projects that brings out the best in people, with everyone bringing in their joy, enthusiasm and best work.  It was such a pleasure. 

While I had money to put toward this, I wasn’t close to the actual cost, so much coming from the Cantine team and the Highway Dept. in terms of in-kind services.  It felt as if I was little more than the catalyst for something that wanted to happen.  We also gave much thought to access and we were able to have handicap parking right near the entrance and wide gate entrances.

Dog Owner Responsibility

The Town (as well as common sense) requires that anyone who visits the Dog Park uses it as was intended -- a place to let your dog(s) roam free, yet in a secure, fenced-in area. 

The spirit conveyed in the above write-up should be a guide for all who visit.

All the Town asks is that all visitors follow the rules (see the photo of the "Rules" sign that is posted at the Park, below).

Enjoy your dog, allow others to enjoy theirs and let's keep it all in a spirit of comaraderie.

Directions, Maps and Photos

Here is a Google Map of the area in which the park is situated.  If you're traveling north on Market Street, keep an eye out for the entrance sign (see image on the right in the section above) for the Trails and Dog Park, on the right.

Google Map of the Area that the Dog Park is in.

If/as you're traveling north on Market Street, you will begin to be able to see the sign for the Trail System and Dog Park further ahead on the right.  In any season where the trees are in bloom, take care not to miss the sign, as it can be a bit hidden behind leaves.

Dog Park Rules

The following images are from the time the construction on the Dog Park began.  Saugerties thanks our anonymous donor and all of the folks who contributed their time and effort to make the dog park (and trail system) a reality.

Beginning of dog park construction.

Beginning of the construction effort.

Finishing the tree stump table

Finishing the tree stump table.

Start of the fence installation.

Start of the fence installation. 

Ready for opening day

Ready for opening day.

Park will be closed on inclement weather days.

The park will be closed on inclement weather days. For example, the park was closed on this day after an icy storm during the winter of 2025.