A separate storm sewer system is a collection of structures, including retention basins, ditches, roadside inlets and underground pipes, designed to gather stormwater from built-up areas and discharge it, without treatment, into local streams and rivers. It's called a separate system because it is not connected to the sanitary sewer system which drains waste water from inside a home to a sewage treatment facility or a private septic system.
To report an illicit discharge...
Town of Saugerties:
- Phone: 845-246-2800 extension 333
- Email (Alvah Weeks): aweeks@saugertiesny.gov
- Fax: 845-246-0461
Ulster County:
- Hotline is 845-334-8510
- Email: stormwater@co.ulster.ny.us
NY State DEC:
- 844-332-3267
- https://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/393.html