The links are categorized into sections below, which can be opened with a click or touch.
- Addiction Resource - Addiction Resource raises awareness of the dangers of addiction and helps local communities stay drug-free.
- Addiction Treatment - Division On Addictions is an organization that helps vulnerable New York residents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol locate proper treatment options.
- Alcohol and Drug Rehabs in Saugerties. This website allows you to search Saugerties drug rehab centers by level of care and specialty addiction treatment programs offered, or filter by payment options and insurance accepted.
- Alcoholism Warning Signs - - a resource for people or their loved ones who are struggling with alcoholism.
- Alcohol Rehabilitation/Effects of Alcohol
- Center for Disease Control - E-Cigarettes and Vaping - Health risks and information.
- Crestview Recovery Telehealth Intensive Outpatient Program
- Free by the Sea - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
- Rehab Centers in NY State - New York's leading rehab centers - residential and in-patient.
- Vaping Daily
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
Seniors, aged 65 and above, make up most (60%) of all cancer patients. The following guides offer straightforward wellness tips, emphasize the importance of regular check-ups, and discuss effective ways for seniors to prevent cancer. We also have valuable resources on asbestos-related pleural issues and diagnoses, specifically tailored to seniors and their concerns about cancer.
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Crime Stoppers Anonymous "Submit a Tip" Link
Phone number is 800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477).
Your voice is changed and you are given a secret number (which you shouldn't share), for any further communications.
Some tips can involve a crime where a reward is given.
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Elementary Schools in the U.S. - Statistics for thousands of U.S. public and private elementary schools are listed. Includes information such as enrollment, the ratio of students to teachers are included as well as elementary school addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information.
- - is a resource that contains data on thousands of public and private high schools in the United States.
National Education Association - The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education.
Accreditation and Online Colleges Site - Their New York page can be found here.
- Counseling Degrees Online
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Training - Interested in a career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS)? Includes detailed information on EMT Training programs, Courses, Certification, Practice Test, Sample Test, Jobs, and salaries.
NY Online Top Colleges and UniversitiesEducation guide for students in New York and prospective students interested in studying in New York.
Online Colleges Accreditation Guide
With student loan debt rates at an all-time high, choosing the wrong college - one without proper accreditation - has never been so costly. Before charging forward on the college decision, it's important that students understand an institution's accreditation status; this guide describes how accreditation works and why it matters.
- Online Masters in Library and Information Science
- Online Masters in Speech Language Pathology
- Public Service Degree - Student Training & Education in Public Service (STEPS), a site that helps connect people with education and career opportunities in public service fields like social work, teaching, psychology, and other public service fields.
Scholarships for Student CaregiversPossible financial assistance for high school or college students who choose a career of caregiver for aging loved ones.
Sustainability - The Path to a Sustainability CareerCovers degrees and programs and scholarship/grants/funds.
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
Top EMT Training - Interested in a career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS)? Includes detailed information on EMT Training programs, Courses, Certification, Practice Test, Sample Test, Jobs, and salaries.
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Forest Health Protection
- How Are Cars Recycled? - A blog article by William Moore
Recycling Information Page
This page, from the African American Environmentalist Association, contains useful information and pointers concerning recycling. This link was added at the suggestion of a student from Cleary Mountain Middle School in Virginia. We appreciate her thoughtfulness!
- Ulster County Recyclopedia - A very useful list of items and instructions on how you can recycle them.
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Trulia - Buy/Rent
- Zillow - Homes, Lots and Land
- Zumper A free apartment rental search website
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If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Barclay Heights Bed & Breakfast
- Benefits Programs (Search on "New York")
- Birthdays - See What Happened on the day you were born
- Dead or Alive? - This site allows you to look up famous people, to learn whether they have died or not.
- Dictionary Online (Merriam-Webster)
- Donate Food to the United Nations - Hunger Site
- Fake News or Real News? True or False? Find out at
Senior - Eldercare Locator - "A Place for Mom"
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Alzheimers and Dementia Financial Legal Planning
- Asbestos Trust Funds - A site that helps patients and families obtain compensation from asbestos trust funds.
- Mesothelioma Center (
Mesothelioma Prognosis Network - Spreading awareness of this asbestos-related diseases - from symptoms to diagnosis to treatment to after-care.
- Older Adults Living Alone - Resources and Support
- Safe Online Shopping Guide for Seniors
- Widows - Financial Help and Benefits
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If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- National Suicide Prevention Or call 1-800-273-8255 (available 24 hours, every day)
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If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!
- Ulster County Area Transit
- Ulster County Government
- Ulster County Chamber of Commerce
- Ulster County Charter - Unofficial HTML version
- Ulster County Election Districts (includes Town and Village of Saugerties)
- Ulster County Mobile DMV Unit (visits Saugerties, making DMV interactions more convenient for Saugerties residents (saving a trip to Fair Street in Kingston))
NYSDEC provides a search capability, for finding nearby trained rehabilitators, county by county.
- Go to this page:
- Look for the "Find a Wildlife Rehabilitator" link.
- Select a county and select the category of animal you're interested in getting rehabilitated. (Bats, raccoons or skunks; small mammals (e.g. squirrels, foxes, chipmunks, rabbits); large mammals (e.g. deer, bear, moose); reptiles/amphibians (e.g. turtles, snakes, salamanders, frogs); passerine birds (e.g. robins, bluebirds, cardinal, wren, finch); raptors (e.g. owls, falcons, eagles, hawks, ospreys); game birds (e.g. turkeys, pheasants, grouse); waterfowl (e.g. ducks, geese, swans, brants) or "all other birds".
If you are aware of additional useful links (non-commercial) that others can benefit from, please email them to the Webmaster. Thanks!