The main phone number for Town Planning Board submissions is 845-246-2800 ext. 358.  Individual email addresses for members of the Town Planning Board can be found below.


The duties of the Town Planning Board are to review site plans, special use permits and housing developments for compliance with environmental regulations, conformance with the Town's comprehensive plan and to safeguard the future growth of our community through a balance between commercial, industrial and residential uses.


3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m  in the Senior Citizens' Building on Market Street.

For Planning Board agendas, see the Saugerties Planning Board Agenda Page ... an agenda for each Planning Board meeting is uploaded there, typically 5-7 days before each Planning Board meeting.  The Saugerties News Blog page includes an entry for each Planning Board meeting, as the meeting approaches, in any given month, and that entry will point you to the agenda page as well..


The Planning Board liaison to the Planning Board is Mike Ivino.


All Planning Board Meetings are held at the Senior Citizens' Center on Market Street in the Village of Saugerties on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.  All Working Sessions are held at the Town Building Inspector's Office at 4 High Street in the Town of Saugerties.

All submissions of subdivision applications, site plans and special use permit applications shall be made to the Saugerties Town Planning Board Office at 4 High Street in the Town of Saugerties, 845-246-2800 ext. 358.

Working Session appointments will be scheduled through the Planning Board Office for all submissions except lot line revisions.

Planning Board meeting minutes are available here.

For the Planning Board schedule for 2025, see the upcoming section on this page, covering that.  (There is also a PDF of the schedule available for downloading, under "Documents", at the bottom of this page.)

To get on the Agenda for a Planning Board meeting, applicants must make that request though Becky Bertorelli - 845-246-2800 x358.

Forms relevant to the Town of Saugerties Planning board (for example, Land Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Application, Subdivision Application, Subdivision Regulations, Long and Short Environmental Assessment Forms (SEQR), Design Guidelines Manual Attachment A: Best Practices, and Design Guidelines Manual Attachment B: Zoning Law Standards) are available on the "Applications, Forms and Schedules" Page  under the "Planning Board" heading.

Planning Board Fees

For the latest list of Planning Board fees, please click here.

All Planning Board Fees are collected by the Planning Board Secretary, Becky Bertorelli -

What's Needed for a Submission to the Planning Board?

Required Submissions:

  1. Application for Planning Board Action.
  2. Short Environmental Assessment Form.  (See "Links" at the end of this page.)
  3. Affidavit of Ownership.
  4. Application Fee.
  5. Initial Sketch Plat drawn in accordance with Article III of the Town's Land Subdivision Regulations. (10 Copies). [At later stages of the approval process, Preliminary and Final Plats will also be required to be submitted.]
  6. Letter of Authorization if Applicant is not the property owner.

Other requirements could include (and are not limited to) Ulster County Planning Board Referral, Conservation Advisory Board Review, Town Water and Sewer Review, Fire Department Review, Curb-cut Approval, Health Department Approval, the establishment of an Escrow Account, etc.

  • If approved, four (4) signed copies of the signed final plat will need to be retained by the Planning Board. This does not include the mylar and one copy of the signed final plat that must be filed with the Ulster County Clerk or any additional copies for the applicant.

Public Hearing Notification Requirements

Please follow the directions under the following sections, for the type of public hearing you would like to have be held: Subdivisions and Site Plan and Special Use Permits.


Directions for a legal Public Hearing:

To be done after Planning Board gives sketch approval:

  • The Applicant must send written notice of the Public Hearing and an explanation of the proposal:

    To Whom: All adjacent property owners of the subject property, including directly across any public right of way. The Planning Board Secretary will provide this list.

    Where To: The owners’ last known address as shown on the most recent Town tax assessment rolls.

    When: At least twenty (20) days before the Public Hearing.

    How: By certified mail, return receipt requested.

    Why: In order to prove that proper notification was made.  All certified mail  receipts and returned green cards must be submitted to the Planning Board Secretary at the meeting prior to the opening of the public hearing.  


Directions for a legal Public Hearing:

To be done after Planning Board gives sketch approval:

  • The Applicant must send written notice of the Public Hearing and an explanation of the proposal:

    To Whom: Owners of all property within 500 feet of the subject property.  The Planning Board Secretary will provide this list.

    Where To: The owners’ last known address as shown on the most recent Town tax assessment rolls.

    When: At least twenty (20) days before the Public Hearing.

    How: By certified mail, return receipt requested.

    Why: In order to prove that proper notification was made.  All certified mail  receipts and returned green cards must be submitted to the Planning Board Secretary at the meeting prior to the opening of the public hearing.  

Planning Board - Dates for Scheduling - 2025

The dates/deadlines for scheduling an item for a Planning Board hearing in 2025 follow.  (There is a downloadable PDF of this info below (under "Documents").)
Planning Board Schedule for 2025