If you are looking for the agenda for an upcoming ZBA meeting or public hearing, please visit the ZBA Agenda page.
In strict accordance with Town's Zoning Law, the ZBA hears and decides any question brought before it involving the interpretation of zoning law; hears and decides appeals from any decisions or determinations of zoning enforcement officer (building inspector); and judiciously grants variances to provisions of zoning law.
Meetings: 1st Monday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Senior Citizens' Building on Market Street. There are also occasional special meetings, on other dates during the month. As the agenda for each ZBA meeting arrives, it is posted to the ZBA Agenda page. And there is typically a news item on the Saugerties News page that announces the ZBA monthly meetings and that points to the ZBA Agenda page.
Secretary: Becky Bertorelli - bbertorelli@saugertiesny.gov
Liaison: Mike Ivino - mivino@saugertiesny.gov
For information about how to submit items for ZBA consideration, contacts, etc., see "Documents" below.
Number of Members: 5 members plus one alternate
- William Schirmer (wmschirmer@gmail.com)
Term expires: 12-31-25
- Henry Rua (lathe11@aol.com)
Term expires: 12-31-29
- Joe Mayone (jmmayone@yahoo.com)
Term expires: 12-31-28
- Timothy Scott Jr. (timscottjr22@gmail.com)
Term expires: 12-31-26
- Randy Ricks (rricks@saugerties.k12.ny.us)
Term expires: 12-31-27
- Holly Strutt (alternate) (holly@struttlaw.com)
Term expires: 12-31-25
- Becky Bertorelli (bbertorelli@saugertiesny.gov)
Town of Saugerties Zoning Board Secretary
Phone: 845-246-2800 (extension 358)
Mike Ivino (mivino@saugertiesny.gov)
Town Board liaison to the ZBA
Schedule (2025):
The Zoning Board of Appeals 2025 Schedule for application submissions to the Building Department and to the ZBA, and the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting dates for 2025 are shown below. You can download a copy for printing using the link under "Documents" at the end of this page.
ZBA Meetings
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the First Monday of every month (*unless otherwise stated) at 7 p.m. at the Frank D. Greco Memorial Building (Senior Center, 207 Market Street) located on the corners of Market St. and Robinson St. in the Village of Saugerties.
Should anyone have any questions regarding the above dates or cannot attend one of the scheduled meetings please call Becky Bertorelli (Zoning Board Secretary) at 845-246-2800 x 358 or email at bbertorelli@saugertiesny.gov.
Applications can be obtained from the Building Department or the Applications, Forms and Schedules page, under "Zoning Board of Appeals". All submittals to the Zoning Board of Appeals must be made at the Building Department.
Town Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes
Visit this page for Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meeting minutes.
Town Zoning Board of Appeals Fees
ZBA Application fee $200.00 - variances, appeals, interpretations
All Zoning Board of Appeals fees will be collected by the Building Department at the time of submission
*Please be advised that an escrow may be required to cover any professional/consultant fees incurred with the review of any application. Amount to be determined by the Board*
All submissions to the Zoning Board of Appeals must be made at the Building Department located at 4 High Street in Saugerties between 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. All fees are due at the time of submission. Credit cards are not accepted. Please bring cash, check or money order. Checks should be made payable to the "Town of Saugerties".
ZBA News
ZBA news item - posted 8/25/2023
Saugerties Supervisor Fred Costello and Saugerties Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chair Bill Shirmer announced that both boards recently voted to approve a settlement agreement with Tarpon Towers II, LLC and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Tarpon/Verizon).
A joint Town Board and ZBA news release regarding this agreement with Tarpon Towers and Verizon Wireless can be found by clicking here:
[will have to find and link in this doc]
The stipulation and order agreement between the Town, ZBA, Tarpon Towers and Verizon Wireless can be found by clicking here:
[will have to find and link in this doc]
ZBA news item - posted January 2021
Tarpon Towers II, LLC ("Tarpon") and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") propose to install and operate a new Commercial Telecommunications Facility
[Unfortunately, I'm not sure which docs these are]