
The Town and Village of Saugerties prepared and adopted their first Comprehensive Plan in 1999. That plan recognized that community planning is an ongoing process and recommended additional actions, plans and detailed studies to pursue the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The 1999 Plan also recommended periodic updating of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the results of subsequent plans and studies and to reflect any unanticipated events or new issues.
A committee of Saugerties Town and Village residents was selected to update the plan document. The update process was first started in 2010 as the Saugerties Comprehensive Plan Update Committee, which has the task of reviewing and updating the Town and Village Comprehensive Plan.
In the summer of 2011, the Town/Village of Saugerties secured grant funding through the Hudson River Valley Greenway (logo shown above right) to hire a planning consultant to assist the committee in preparing the Comprehensive Plan update. In the fall of 2011, the planning firm of Shuster Associates with Planit Main Street, Inc., began working with the joint committee to coordinate completion of a comprehensive plan update.
After a series of drafts, the final, approved Joint Town and Village Comprehensive Plan was made available in 2013.
Most Recent Update/Version
If you are interested in viewing/downloading a copy of the plan, you can click here or use the link at the bottom of this page, under "Documents".
This plan is not a new departure. Rather it incorporates and builds upon the Goals, Recommendations and Strategies set forth in the 1999 Plan. Therefore, it should not be viewed as a change of direction but, rather, as a refinement of the course already established.
Comprehensive Plan Committee
The Town Board and Village Board appointed a Comprehensive Plan Committee to lead the public participation process and prepare the first draft of the Town/Village’s Comprehensive Plan update. The Committee has been meeting monthly at Town Hall to review and update the Comprehensive Plan. Committee members are as follows:
Patrick Fitzsimmons (pjfitz400@gmail.com) Committee Chair |
Jeannine Mayer (jmmayer@hvc.rr.com) Village Trustee Liaison |
Leeanne Thornton (leeanne.thornton@yahoo.com) Town Board Liaison | Mary Frank (maryfrank183@yahoo.com) Village Zoning Board |
Samantha Dederick (bobnsam@hvc.rr.com) Saugerties Resident |
Mary Leahy (leahys@hvc.rr.com) Village Planning Board |
Carol Furman (octagon@hvc.rr.com) Town Planning Board |
Josepha Gutelius (jgutelius@yahoo.com) Saugerties Resident |
Carole Furman (octagon@hvc.rr.com) Saugerties Resident |
The Process:
The Saugerties Comprehensive Plan Committee has been meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at The Town of Saugerties Town Hall during the process of completing the Comprehensive Plan Update. The approved version of the Comprehensive Plan is now available under "Documents" at the bottom of this page.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
- An expression of a community’s goals for the future and recommendations for achieving those goals.
- An outline for orderly growth, providing continued guidance for decision-making.
- A document that focuses on immediate and long-range protection, enhancement, growth and development.
The new Comprehensive Plan can be used to answer a variety of questions about the Town/Village of Saugerties. These include:
- What should the Town/Village look like in the future?
- Where business and industrial land uses should be permitted?
- What can we do to expand our parks & open space?
- What programs can be put in place to encourage historic preservation?
- How can we protect our natural resources?
- Does our zoning and related regulations need to be revised?
Why is a New Comprehensive Plan Needed?
- All land use regulations (i.e. zoning, design guidelines, subdivision regulations) must be in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan.
What is the Relationship between the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning?
- The Comprehensive Plan establishes the objectives that the community wants to achieve.
- The Zoning Law sets forth the regulations designed to achieve the objectives of the Plan.
For More Information
If you have any questions about the process or have issues you think should be explored in the process of developing the Comprehensive Plan, please send an email to cpc@saugertiesny.gov
Town and Village of Saugerties Comprehensive Plan Final - 3-17-2021