Saugerties Online Tax Payment - Be Sure You're Using the Right Tool

This page is intended to get you to the right tool for paying any of the Town, Village, Water/Wastewater or School taxes that you can pay online today, with a credit card and/or eCheck.
Important First Step - BE SURE WHICH TAX YOU'RE PAYING - Town or Village
It's important that you be sure you focus on the bill in your hand, and that you pay using the correct link and therefore correct tax entity (Village or Town). Otherwise, you can wind up paying a Town tax to the Village or vice versa and this creates a lot of extra work for the Village and Town Tax Collectors to straighten out.
So here is a simple way to BE SURE you are going to use the right link:
- Look at the paper tax bill that you received in the U.S. mail.
- If the "COLLECTOR'S ADDRESS" (upper-left-hand corner) has "4 High Street" as the street name part of the address, as is shown highlighted immediately below:
then you are paying a Town tax. (Don't be fooled by the possible "VILLAGE OF SAUGERTIES" (highlighted in pink) ... that appears on the Town tax bill for people who live in the Village. But if the address shown is 4 HIGH STREET, you are paying TOWN TAXES. So in that case, please scroll further down to the "Town" section and proceed. - If the "COLLECTOR'S ADDRESS" (upper left-hand corner) has "43 Partition Street" as the street name part of the address, as is shown highlighted immediately below:
then you are paying a Village tax ... in which case, please scroll down to the "Village" section below and proceed.
If you are on this page and want to pay your school taxes online, please see the final section -- "School Tax" -- below.
There are 2 Town taxes that can be paid online - your general Town taxes and your water/sewer taxes.
If you have confirmed in Step 1 that you want to pay a Saugerties Town tax, you can do that in one of 2 ways (online or via U.S. mail). Specifically:
1 - You can pay your Saugerties Town tax online, using this link: Saugerties Town tax link. This link brings you to a page for paying your Saugerties Town tax online. This same page is where you can pay your County taxes online and/or your Saugerties School taxes online as well. There is a search box that allows you to select which tax you're interested in. It also provides you with convenient search entries that allow you to enter your bill number and/or address and/or name, etc., to narrow down your search and thereby get to your particular bill.
2 - You can use the U.S. Postal Service, and mail a check to the Town Receiver of Taxes. For more information visit this Saugerties Town tax page:
If you want to pay your Saugerties Town Water/Sewer Bill, use the Saugerties Town Water Bill link.
If you have confirmed in the "Important First Step" above that you want to pay your Saugerties Village taxes, use this link - https://tinyurl.com/VOS-Tax You will need your bill number and property address to complete your transaction. Please note that if you owe taxes for more than one property, you will be able “add to cart” each bill and process them all as one transaction. Online payment fees are $1.50 per E-check transaction, and 2.5% of the total with a minimum charge of $1.50 for all credit card transactions.
If you want to pay your Saugerties Village Water/Sewer bill, use this link - https://vosws.authoritypay.com/ This is the water/sewer customer portal. You are now able to create an account and view your usage and billing, make payments, as well as sign up for ebills! Online payment fees are FREE for E-check transactions, and 2.5% of the total bill with a minimum charge of $1.50 for all credit card transactions.
Please make note that you will need your account # and CID which will be typically be found on your June bill ... or you may call the office at 845-246-8958 to get this information.
School Tax
If you want to pay your Saugerties School tax online, use the Saugerties School tax link. This link brings you to a page for paying your Saugerties School tax online. This same page is where you can pay your County taxes online and/or your Saugerties Town taxes online as well. There is a search box that allows you to select which tax you're interested in. It also provides you with convenient search entries that allow you to enter your bill number and/or address and/or name, etc., to narrow down your search and thereby get to your particular bill.
- Town Tax - "What You Need to Know about Town of Saugerties and Ulster County Taxes" page
- Village Tax - "Village Treasurer" page