
This is the Town of Saugerties Water/Sewer Department page. For Village Water Department matters, please visit this Village of Saugerties Water Department page.
Office location: 234 Lower Hudson Street, Glasco, NY (next to Glasco Mini Park). Normal Town Water/Sewer business hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except weekends and holidays).
Mailing Address: (please include as shown)
Town of Saugerties Water/Sewer
4 High Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
Phone: 845-246-8671 (For your convenience, an answering machine is available after hours so that you may leave a message.)
Fax: 845-246-3150
The Town Board liaison to the Water/Sewer department is Mike Ivino.
The Town of Saugerties Water and Sewer Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the town water distribution and sanitary sewer systems. The Water and Sewer Departments serve approximately 5,770 people through 2,168 service connections in the Town of Saugerties.
The Town of Saugerties has 4 water districts -- Bluestone Park, Glasco, Malden and Kings Highway. The Town of Saugerties does not supply water to Mount Marion. Mount Marion's water is supplied by a private entity.
The Town of Saugerties obtains its drinking water from the Village of Saugerties (source: Blue Mountain Reservoir).
Sewage from the the Town sewage system is conveyed to the Town's 2 wastewater treatment facilities (234 Lower Hudson Street, Glasco, NY, 12432 and one in Malden).
For information on the Village of Saugerties Water Department, please visit their webpage by clicking here.
Water and Sewer Installations
Note: All water and sewer installations must be made by a contractor that was pre-approved by the Town of Saugerties.
Please call 845-246-8671 for an "Approved Contractor List" or if you're a contractor and you're looking for information on how to get on the approved list.
Water Meter Reading Issues?
Do you feel like our water meter isn't reading correctly? We can help. Visit the Water Meter Testing page for more information.
Residential Water/Sewer Rates/Fees
The water and sewer districts and the sewer/water rates and minimum usage figures follow,
Sewer Districts - new rates as of Sept. 1, 2022
All districts - Barclay Heights, Glasco, Malden and Kings Highway |
Residential Sewer Rates *Within District* |
Rate | Minimum usage/bill |
$6.75/1,000 gallons | $33.75 for 0 to 5,000 gallons |
Miscellaneous Residential Sewer Fees:
** Must contact office for Commercial/Industrial Fees |
Water Districts - new rates as of September 1, 2022
All districts - Glasco, Malden, Kings Highway and Bluestone Park |
Water Rates *Within District* |
Rate | Minimum usage/bill |
$8.24/1,000 gallons | $41.20 for 0 to 5,000 gallons |
Miscellaneous Water Fees:
** Must contact office for Commercial/Industrial Fees |
Paying Water/Sewer Bills
Beginning in 2019, Town of Saugerties water meters are being read 4 times per year, and water bills will be mailed out quarterly. These bills are payable to the Tax Collector at 4 High Street, Saugerties, New York 12477.
The mailings will be on the following dates:
- April 30
- July 31
- October 31
- January 31
Payments of water/sewer bills can be made:
- With a check sent via U.S. mail
- Online using a credit card, electronic check or electronic funds transfer
- At the drop box located outside the Tax Collector's Office, High Street, Saugerties
For the online option, please visit this page: https://secure.go2gov.net/pay/public/saugertiesutility/welcome.faces
Please note, there is a bank convenience fee for charged when you use the online payment option. This fee has nothing to do with the Town of Saugerties. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Please note - if you have a question about your Town water or sewer bill or any other question related to Town of Saugerties water and sewer matters, please contact our office (845-246-8671) and not the tax office.
Having Trouble Paying Water/Sewer Bills?
New York State's Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program helps low-income households pay the cost of water and sewer services. The program can assist households who have past-due bills (arrears) for water and sewer services.
It can help prevent your water and sewer services from being shut off.
Click here for a 9-page (English and Spanish) flyer that goes into more details. You can apply online for this program on this website: https://otda.ny.gov/programs/water-assistance/
If you have any questions about this program, please call this New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance at 833-690-0208. (Please do not call the Town about this program, as it is a New York State program.)
Mark Resso
Email: mresso@saugertiesny.gov
Phone: 845-246-8671
Michele Haines
234 Hudson Street
Glasco, NY 12432
Email: mhaines@saugertiesny.gov
Phone: 845-246-8671
Andy McBride
234 Hudson Street
Glasco, NY 12432
Phone: 845-246-8671
Ulster County = How Do I Get My Drinking Water Tested?
Lists the Ulster County approved water testing labs and provides a number to have microbiological testing done by the Ulster County Health Department.